New Song and Video: Ana Egge "We Are One"


In September of 2017, Ana Egge met up with songwriter Gary Nicholson in Nashville, TN and wrote “We Are One.” They felt the need to examine those occasions whether it be eclipse or calamity, when, in wonder or distress, we come together. Especially now, at a time when our country is so divided. These are moments to be cherished, as the song states, when “you look into a stranger’s eyes, and see yourself looking back” and recognize “all our differences are nothing in the face of love.”

The video was shot in New York by Susan Bibeau & Jeff Oehler of Beehive Productions.  "Sue and Jeff and I and their friend Nick drove around NYC for a couple days and had so many great interactions with strangers that our cheeks hurt from smiling." - Ana Egge

Watch the video HERE
