I Had A Dream (Single)
Throughout his career, Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter Loudon Wainwright III has occasionally turned his attention to current events, “Social Studies” (1999) and “10 Songs for the New Depression” (2010) for example. This year’s primary season has once again given him something to (ruefully) sing about, so, acting like a one-man Super PAC, he’s rushed to write, record, and release his broadsided stumpsong. Titled "I Had A Dream," the song explores what it would be like if Donald Trump won the presidency.
"Initially I didn’t want to write a song about Donald Trump but sometimes in the course of human events things get so weird that you can’t look a gift horse in the mouth, especially if the horse has a real mouth on him. In the past, I’ve taken pot shots in song at political figures of fun like Jesse Helms, Newt Gingrich, Bill & Hill, Bush, Cheney, et al., but folks - this is serious. We hold some truths to be self-evident and apparently Mr. Trump does not. As Judd Apatow succinctly put it to me after hearing “I Had A Dream,” “The only person who benefits from Trump now is you!”
"Wainwright turns his acerbic wit on the 2016 presidential election and conjures a bleak dystopian future." - Salon
"In three minutes he calls Chris Christie Trump's 'flunky,' throws shots at Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, critiques his politics, paints a picture of apocalyptic doom, and even stoops down to call his face orange and his hair weird. Ether, pure ether. This is how you roast someone." - Stereogum
"As gruesome as it is comical." - Paste
Release Date: May 27, 2016